If you are interested in playing league chess or simply wish to play social chess you will be very welcome! We meet on Wednesdays from 7 pm.
In order to join the club you need to be a member of the Coleshill Social Club, this will cost you approximately £30. The fee to be a league playing member of the chess club is £75 and under 18s are charged £20. In addition, league playing members are required to pay their own ECF fee, which is currently £18. Members not wishing to play league chess pay nothing on their first visit and £2 for each subsequent visit.
Coleshill Social Club fees are payable from 1st January and and lasts for twelve months. Chess Club full fees are payable by the last day of May or half by the last day of May and the residue by the last day of September. A pro rata rate will be charged for new members joining after the last day of June. Fees can be paid by cash, cheque or Bank Transfer.
The overall membership will therefore cost in the region of £123. Over the course of the year this equates to £2.37 per week for some of the best playing conditions in the league and an extremely friendly club.
A list of fixtures for the Birmingham League is available by clicking the fixtures tab and the Stats tab gives details of all playing members results during the season.
Please contact Des Green on 07395 291643 or 0121 246 2295 for further details.